today i’m proud of a lot of thing: 2000 like on the page, we are shipping the preorder of our Space dwarf (which have received a lot of love thank you my friends!!) and i’very to announce the release of the second model of the missing dukes project! FOR THE LADY!!!!(i must say thanks to my friends of the Warhammer Bretonnia fb groups of course for the great help and for the idea of the project)
then it’s the time to say welcome to the pegasus duke!!
the model is composed of 9 pieces: the knight with 2 weapons (you can choose lance or sword) and the shield casted in white metal and the pegasus divided in 5 parts and casted in resin.
preorder will be possible by message ordirectly on our SHOP (where you can also find the resin version of the first model of the project: the mountain duke) .
all the preorders will receive a free adhesive banner for his army. by ADDing THE PROMO CODE PEGASUS TO YOUR CART until the end of october you will receive a 10%discount on every other NON limited edition models and tools in our shop
Every modell will have a special preorder price of 24€ the modell will be limited and numerated (we planned 100 model which can be raised a little only if the preorder will be very now